Results are available in about 15 minutes.
Cost of test =$40
Call to book your test today (817)545-1100
Looking for a Y-Strap Technique Provider in Bedford, Texas?
Dr Naehritz is also experienced in providing Y-Strap Technique. With over 30 years of experience treating patients in Bedford and surroundings you can trust the quality of care Dr. Naehritz will provide. If you are looking for Y-Strap Treatment in Bedford, Texas – Texas Back Care is the place to visit. Give us A Call Today! (817) 545-1100
What To Expect when you visit our CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC in Bedford, Texas
When you visit Texas Back Care you can always expect to be greeted with a smile by our caring, compassionate, and friendly staff. You can expect a full and thorough evaluation to assess your specific problems from a highly trained and experienced Doctor of Chiropractic. You can expect to be treated with patience and respect and to have your problems heard. And, you can expect Quality! The Quality Chiropractic Care that comes from 30 years of experience treating patients in Bedford and surroundings. If you are looking for a quality Chiropractic Clinic in Bedford, Texas – you have found it. Dr Naehritz and our qualified staff are here to help. We look forward to providing you with excellence in Chiropractic Care!
Call us today – 817-545-1100.
Consultation, Initial Chiropractic Exam, & Adjustment
ONLY $49 (Regularly $149)
We Look forward to providing you with quality care.